How Do You Know When It Is Time To Clean Or Regrout Your Tile?

Over time, tile grout can become discolored and cracked. Not only does it look unsightly, but sometimes it can be dangerous to your family’s health. Sometimes the discoloration can be caused by mold, mildew, and bacteria. Mold, specifically, can cause health issues such as a stuffy nose, wheezing, red watery or itchy eyes or skin irritation should never be left as is. 

Allergens, pet hair and dander, unspecified odors, dirt, dust, stains, and grease can all collect in grout. Just like it is important to clean your HVAC system, carpets, and oven, cleaning your tile and grout is necessary. 

When tile grout is discolored and there is no amount of scrubbing that works, it’s likely time to have the grout professionally cleaned or regrouted. 

Some of the most common questions asked regarding grout cleaning are: 

  • Do home remedies work such as bleach, baking soda and peroxide? 

  • What products can I buy to clean the grout? 

  • Is cleaning different between sealed and unsealed grout? 

  • Is it worth calling a professional to clean the grout? 

Do home remedies work such as bleach, baking soda, and peroxide? 

In many instances, yes. However, care should be taken to wear protective gear such as respirators, goggles, and gloves. Ventilate properly by opening windows or doors and never have children around the cleanup site.  As your grandma probably told you – never mix bleach with ammonia or any other cleaner. Also, make sure the moldy surface is free of the underlying causes of the mold such as dirt, moisture, mildew, etc., which can often be hard to determine. 

What products can I buy to clean the grout? 

Many hardware stores sell products designed to clean grout; some are better than others. Always read the product information and cautions before using harsh agents. Harsh chemicals can be harmful to both your family members and pets, and again, care should be taken.  

Are cleaning protocols different between sealed and unsealed grout? 

To seal or not seal grout– that is the question. When grout is sealed, it creates a hard surface which can be both good and bad. When grout is sealed, it can prolong the life of your grout because it is easier to clean. On the other hand, it can also be a bad thing. When the sealant resists cleaning, and sealant wears out over time. Sealant can also discolor the tile and grout. On the other side of the debate of seal vs. no seal, unsealed grout allows for the water to dry by evaporation. You can tell if your grout is sealed if it changes color when wet. Sealed grout will stay the same color; wet grout will get darker or change color.  

Is it worth calling a professional to clean the grout? 

Did you know that your tile and grout should be cleaned professionally every 1-2 years per most tile and grout manufacturers?  Professional tile cleaners have industrial equipment and compounds that are not available to homeowners. Professional grout and tile cleaning will extend the life of your tile and grout, as well as save you time and money in the long run. 

If you live in Chicago or the surrounding area and need professional grout cleaning, please give Grout Masters a call. In addition to tile and grout cleaning, we do sealing, grout recoloring, grouting and regrouting, caulking and recaulking, tile repair and replacement. Call us today for a free estimate at 847.219.3667 

lisa Malmquist