How to Know When You Need Grout Repair

Tile can be used in many different ways around your home. It can be used as a backsplash, a fireplace surround, flooring, an accent wall, a shower surround, or a countertop. The lines that are visible between the tiles are filled in with grout. This material helps to hold the tiles in place and fill in the gaps between them. According to Lowe's, the average price for grout is $31. As it ages, it may need to be repaired. Read on to discover some of the signs that indicate a grout repair may be needed.

There Are Gaps Between Your Tiles

You should never be able to see visible gaps between your tiles. If you can see gaps, or worse, your tiles are starting to shift, this is a tell-tale sign that grout repair is needed. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that the tiles will shift. If they shift, they too can start to become damaged.

You Can See Visible Cracks

As you clean your tile and grout, you should take the time to examine both of them. If you see any cracks in the grout itself, you're in need of a repair. Until the repair has been made, you should avoid using cleaning products or water on the surface, as your damaged grout can absorb liquids, which can worsen the damage..

Your Grout is Crumbling

When grout is old, it can start to crumble or erode away. You may be able to run your finger over your grout line and feel that it's not smooth and level. This is an indication that the grout is eroding and needs repair.

There's Mold or Mildew Growth

If you see mold or mildew growth on your grout, it needs to be professionally cleaned. It may also need to be repaired, as this is an indication that there are cracks or holes within the grout.

Grout helps to hold tiles in place, while also filling in the small gaps or crevices that are present between the tiles. If yours is starting to fail, it's important to have grout repair completed. This helps to ensure the surface is safe and helps to extend its lifespan. Our team can help you with all things grout, including cleaning, repair, and regrouting. Reach out to us today to request an estimate.

lisa Malmquist